Thursday, April 10, 2008

Morgan's 4th birthday

We celebrated Morgan's birthday at home with some of our favorite friends and their children. Everyone seemed to have a great time.

February 28, 2008

The morning started out as usual. I dropped off Morgee and headed down 64 to Asheboro. I went by Biscuitville for a quick breakfast and then headed out to go to my first daycare of the morning. Thursday is always busy. Morgan has dance after daycare and I take her and her friend Zoe over there. Zoe's mom Janna meets us there shortly after class begins. This Thursday would prove to be very different.

At about 8:20am I turned left onto the street that leads me to We Care Daycare. I pass in front on South Asheboro Middle School. And then, out of the corner of my eye, I see something ( I am trying to comprehend how it can be a car) coming at me... from the side.... fast. And I have no time to break... only to scream... as it hits me.

Time stands still. I must black out. I remember hearing this horrific noise- the crunch of metal on metal. The windshield cracking.. the airbags exploding. My car was a 2003, so it is not equipped to only let out one airbag if there is no passenger. I cannot hear, but it comes back relatively quickly. Must have been the force of the airbag. Then it all stops. And I have no idea what happened.

As it turns out, the guy that hit me was attempting to make an illegal Uturn from the right lane across the left lane I was in and was hoping to end up in front of the middle school to drop off his kid at school. Let me point out 2 things- ILLEGAL and there is a specific driveway set up for parents to drive through- safely- to drop off the students.

I ended up calling 911 from the ear piece I was wearing on my ear. I was afraid to get out of my car but opened the door and let my seatbelt off to make sure I could out if the car ended up on fire. EMS and the police arrived shortly. I was lifted from the car with a neck brace on and on to a back board. It was probably the scariest thing I have ever experienced in my life. I had the chance to call Bob before they got me out of the car and he sped his way to meet me at Randolph hospital. On the way to the hospital they had to cut up my jean's leg in order to make sure my leg was not broken- I loved those jeans!!

Thank goodness for friends- as we were in the ambulance I told the EMT that my friend works in maternity at the hospital- and repeated her extension about 1000 times so I would not forget it. As it turns out, Zoe's ( morgan's friend) mom Janna, who is a good friend of mine, works at the hospital they took me to.

After spending the morning at the hospital, it turns out I did not break any bones. I ended up being very sore from where the seatbelt locked and where the airbag hit me. I ended up with a burn along the underside of my chin from the airbag, abrasions on my eyes from the chemicals in the airbags and 6 cracked teeth. All in all, I would have to Thank God from the bottom of my heart. Because it could have been MUCH MUCH worse.

It was determined without question that the other guy was at fault and we are in the process of getting my medical bills paid and a settlement worked out.

Here are some pics from the accident...

Sunday, April 06, 2008

Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry!

Greetings! To those of you who have been wondering where the heck I have been, 2008 has been HORRIBLE thus far. Therefore, I figure it can only get better. I will give a quick update and then post pictures to follow.

January- Bev got pink eye (something else went on but I cannot put my finger on it just yet
February- Bev was in a major car accident that totaled her car... to be followed with much more info.
March- Bob has the flu and then gets pink eye.. but it gets better!

Finally- some good... Bob and Bev each get a new car
Morgan turns 4!!!!! And we had an awesome birthday party

Morgan decides to forgo Dance

April- Bob goes to an awesome Banking seminar in Raleigh for 3 days, leaving Morgan and Mommy to have some quality time together

An especially important sorry to Kathy- I know you like checking this out- can you believe I could not remember which email and password I had to use?

Love to all! Bev